Dec 15, 2016
This week on The Little Radio Show we continue our conversation with Ashley Amanda Segura, the voice behind New Mom in a New Era, and we bring in Jeff Segura, from The Daddy Style Diaries. Ashley blogs about being a young mom to a 1-year-old and other parenting and lifestyle topics. Jeff blogs about fatherhood, fashion, and other lifestyle topics.
We originally invited Ashley to come onto the show to discuss how she handles it when people — especially in the blogging community — say (after being introduced) “oh, you’re Jeff’s wife!” This is in spite of the fact that she began blogging before Jeff (her husband) and actually has a larger audience. In this episode we bring in Jeff to get his point of view.
You can follow Ashley at:
You can follow Jeff at:
“The Little Radio Show” is on on Thursdays at 2 pm (CST). The show hosts are Sandra Fernandez (@sandrasays), Juan Alanis (@juanofwords), and Anjelica Cazares (@la_anjel).
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