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The Little Radio Show

“The Little Radio Show” is a general-interest radio show hosted by Sandra Fernandez (@sandrasays). Topics include current events, arts & entertainment, business & technology, as well as Latinx lifestyle. Show segments include interviews with community members and topic experts

Nov 26, 2015

This week on The Little Radio Show we talk about Juan’s first Uber ride and Sandra’s excitement over the return of “The X-Files” on television. We have an interview with Jamila Velazquez, Yani Marin, and Raquel Castro of the television show “Empire.” And we give thanks for the good things in our lives this Thanksgiving.

Uber has disrupted the taxicab industry and regularly makes the news either with compliments on the service or concerns. Juan recently tried Uber for the first time and we discuss his impressions of the service.

Before the SyFy channel, before the recent shift that has made science fiction trendy and cool, there was “The X-Files.” It started out as a low-budget show that became a worldwide phenomena, with everything from aliens and government conspiracies to Big Foot and ghosts. And then there was Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, played by David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson; they were the so-good-looking and incredibly intelligent federal agents who investigated the cases. The show has been off the air for more than 20 years and is being brought back for a limited six-episode run in 2016. Sandra talks about her excitement over the return of the show.

In its second season, the runaway hit television show “Empire” has added several new characters to the show. The show’s inclusion of Latino characters and guest stars is helping draw Latino audiences. TLRS has a great conversation with Jamila Velazquez, Yani Marin, and Raquel Castro who play the Mirage a Trois girl group on the show. We learn about how they got started, what’s it like to work with the award-winning cast, and what we can expect in the upcoming episodes of the show.

What are your Thanksgiving traditions? We talk about what we’re doing today with our families and friends, how we’re celebrating. And we discuss what we’re thankful for this year. What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

“The Little Radio Show” is on on Thursdays at 2 pm (CST). The show hosts are Sandra Fernandez (@sandrasays), Juan Alanis (@juanofwords), and Anjelica Cazares (@la_anjel).

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